Legal Notices

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Legal Notices

Important legal notice: Please note, we track users attempting to sign in with alternate credentials, from unusual places or at strange times. By using our services, you expressly agree not to provide access to OSCEsmart materials to any third party. You acknowledge that if you breach, or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that you have breached this provision, OSCEsmart may terminate or suspend your right to use its materials. Being an intellectual property infringement, such behaviour is deemed to be dishonest and against the Theft Act 1968, and as such will be reported to the SRA which may adversely affect your future admission.

Please note that OSCEsmart has not appointed any person or entity to act as our agent in the provision of legal training services. OSCEsmart operates solely via the websites located at and  If you have become aware of any person or entity unlawfully impersonating OSCEsmart, please contact us at: